Tue 26 Mar 2013 17:25:41 CET
Wind Speed Converter release 1.5.3
Wind Speed Converter release 1.5.3
Bug fixes, some visual improvements and some minor features for the lates release of Wind Speed Converter.
Now some nice weather pictogram are shown in the weather station information.
Clicking on the weather station opens a dialogue window where one can choose to see it's location on a mapping application or to dig into the details of the station on it's Open Weather Map Web page.
The releases since 1.5 also bring some bug fixes:
- a issue with the application styles that were blocking the application from running in Android 3 devices was fixed;
- the connection to the OWM server was made more resilient;
- made sure that there were no repeated units being displayed (the wind speed unit selected would show up in the list of converters and in the wind speed selector).
A Google Plus product page was created as an experiment on ways to share information about Wind Speed Converter and maybe receive input from its users.